We can stay connected even when we can’t worship together in the same place!
Zoom Virtual Worship Instructions to Join(Worship live at 10 am)
Prayer Requests
You may contact the prayer chain or contact our pastor at any time with your prayer needs as you celebrate joys and experience challenges and concerns that you’d like to lift in prayer.
Tithes and Offerings
Tithes and offerings can be mailed to the church: Woodycrest UMC, 219 W. Clearview Ave., State College, PA 16803
For those who aren’t in a position to give financially right now, we want to hear how you are giving of your time, talents, and gifts in service. You can email, text, or call our pastor at any time.
Thank you for your faithful support of the church and its ministries during this time. If you are struggling financially or spiritually, please let us know. We are in this together.
Worship – April 19, 2020
Sermon Recording:
Questions for reflection:
- Think about the fears that keep you locked up literally or figuratively right now. Are you willing to hear and take in Jesus’ words “Peace be with you” and embrace peace, knowing Jesus meets us in our fears and doubts?
- What are some questions you have or things you struggle to believe? Consider lifting them up in prayer, taking them to a trusted friend in Christ and/or talking to your pastor so that you can grow in faith.
- Think about family or friends who may have questions of faith. Are you willing to provide a listening ear and walk alongside them as they look for a deeper understanding?
Scripture: John 20:19-31
Worship – April 12, 2020 EASTER SUNDAY
Scripture: John 20:1-18
Sermon Recording:
Video of “Lean on Me” played at the end of the sermon:
Questions for reflection:
- Are you a best-case scenario or worst-case scenario type thinker? What are some things in your life you have ask God to help you see through the lens of Easter vision?
- Who are some of the friends who help you get through though times? Be sure to thank God for them today.
- What are you struggling with right now? Imagine yourself handing that concern to God and having the burden lifted.
Link to “Lean on Me” Video
Worship – April 5, 2020 – PALM SUNDAY
We can stay connected even when we can’t worship together in the same place!
Take a moment to pause and thank God on this day while you listen to the music.
Link to gathering music: https://youtu.be/eVd9GU_OmhM
God of the cross, tottering down the streets of Jerusalem on a donkey,
You are not the savior we expect.
Your power doesn’t look like the power we want our God to have.
Your wisdom makes no sense to us.
We are happy to join the crowd, waving branches,
but not so sure we want to follow you through this Holy Week:
into the temple courts
into the upper room
into the Garden of Gethsemane
to the high priest’s house,
to the assembly of elders,
to Pilate,
to Herod,
to the place of The Skull,
to the foot of the cross.
We need you to go with us on this journey.
Grant us clear vision,
Courageous hearts,
Persistent steps.
Even though we know what this week will bring, we sing:
Hosanna, hosanna.
Save us, we beseech you! Amen.
~ written by Joanna Harader and posted on Spacious Faith. https://spaciousfaith.com/
Link: https://youtu.be/FujpxJqlz1A
Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory forever.
SERMON: Making an Entrance
–Link to restaurant employee relief fund: https://rerf.us/
–Link to story about Minnesota state police officer and Dr.: https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/doctor-cries-after-cop-gives-her-face-masks-instead-of-speeding-ticket/
–Link to story about fallen firefighter, Lt. Jason Menard: https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2019/11/18/photos-funeral-procession-worcester-fire-lt-jason-menard
- What is an unglamorous thing you have done or are willing to do to help Jesus enter into people’s lives and our world? Have you ever struggled with being frustrated when you were stuck doing some menial task and felt unappreciated? Consider taking time today to thank God for opportunities to serve even in completing the less-than-glamorous tasks.
- Think of a time when you didn’t get what you expected or wanted? Did you feel like God had abandoned you? Sometimes, God’s “no’s” are necessary in the short term and we don’t understand why things happened until later (sometimes, much later). Whenever you pray the Lord’s prayer, remember that we pray for “Thy will to be done.” Take some time this week to confess and seek forgiveness for those times when God’s will has been hard to accept and when you’ve been tempted to shift from shouting “Hosanna” to shouting “Crucify Him.”
- Hosanna means “save us.” What are some of the prayer concerns on your heart and mind? Commit to praying for these needs every day.
Link: https://youtu.be/oHJSHLJYAZI
Tithes and Offerings
Your Tithes and Offerings may be mailed to Woodycrest UMC, 219 W. Clearview Ave., State College, PA 16803
Link to hear and sing the Doxology: https://youtu.be/SZa8hDvv-rA
The crowds offered you their coats to walk on,
they waved palm branches, honoring your presence.
Today we honor you, Lord,
with our faithful tithes and offerings.
We lay these gifts before you,
humble tokens of our love,
a public display of affection for our King of kings.
~ Source: https://carolpenner.typepad.com/leadinginworship/2012/03/palm-sunday-offering-prayer.html
Please email any prayer requests to Pastor Renee at reneejford@gmail.com or text/call her at 814-404-6535
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna: https://youtu.be/2LLK5V9PoP8
Seek Ye First: https://youtu.be/omzAsmYORwE
Sunday’s Palms are Wednesday’s Ashes: https://youtu.be/zpqofOJd9Z0
Link to PowerPoint file is here
Worship – March 29, 2020
Gathering Music:
Opening Prayer
We gather this day, O Lord, as people who seek your guiding love. Open our hearts and make us ready to stand firm in the faith that leads to loving service. Create a new people in this place so that your love may surround all who enter here. For we ask these things in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.
Greeting one Another and Singing Alleluia To Come Back Together
Opening Hymn: Be Still My Soul
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Please email your joys and concerns to rford@susumc.org or text them to 814-808-5730. Be sure to list Prayer Concern/Joy in the subject line.
Happy Birthday to those Who Have Birthdays this Week!
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory forever.
Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14
Sermon: Dry Bones
- Think about a time when someone didn’t heed warnings (or when you didn’t). What was the situation? How would things have been different if they/you would have listened? What’s one thing you can do to be more attentive to following God’s way and heeding God’s warnings that are meant to protect you?
- What things are feeling overwhelming to you right now? Ezekiel prophesied to a valley of dry bones…the epitome of hopelessness. Yet, God breathed life into those dry bones. What are some things about your life or the world do you feel need some intervention from God in order to restore life and hope?
- One of the ways we can “prophesy to these bones” is by finding ways to help and care for others. What’s one thing you can do this week to be one of God’s helpers?
Hymn of Response: Dry Bones

UMCOR Offering: give online at http://www.umcgiving.org/ministry-articles/one-great-hour-of-sharing
Your Tithes and Offerings may be mailed to:
Woodycrest UMC, 219 W. Clearview Ave., State College, PA 16803
Closing Hymn: How Firm a Foundation
Sung Benediction: Seek Ye First
Worship – March 22, 2020
Link to PowerPoint file is here
Gathering Music:
Opening Prayer:
God of the living,
through baptism, we pass from the shadow of death
to the light of the resurrection.
Remain with us and give us hope
that, rejoicing in the gift of the Spirit
who gives life to our mortal flesh,
we may be clothed with the garment of immortality,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Opening Hymn: Blessed Assurance
The Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory forever.
Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Special Music: Danny Boy played by Carol Pharo, violin
Sermon: Called to Lead and Serve
Questions for Reflection
- Think about a time when someone let you down. What was the situation? How did you respond? How did it impact your relationship with God, if at all? Were you able to sense God’s love in spite of human failures?
- What things are making you anxious right now? Samuel and the people of Bethlehem were afraid of what might happen and worried that things would go wrong. God reassured them it would be ok. What anxieties do you need to hand over to God so that you can have peace right now?
- What is God calling you to do with your time, talents, gifts, and service to make an impact and serve God during this time? What is one thing you will commit to doing this week to serve God?
Sermon correction: The BBC video of Professor Robert Kelly was not recorded recently, but was recorded in 2017.
Hymn of Response: It Is Well With My Soul

Your Tithes and Offerings may be mailed to:
Woodycrest UMC, 219 W. Clearview Ave., State College, PA 16803
Prayer of Thanks
God of the wilderness,
We give these offerings in gratitude,
rejoicing in the abundance of your gifts to us.
We give these offerings in faith,
trusting that you will provide for our needs.
We give these offerings in hope,
knowing you can use them to spread your love in this world.
And with these offerings, we give ourselves;
May we live with generous hearts, with open hands. Amen
~ written by Joanna Harader, and posted on her Spacious Faith blog. http://spaciousfaith.com/